
Mech W.I.P Phase 4

Getting closer to finishing this project, finished the "hands" for the Mech. He's increased by about 300 polys since the last update, a lot of that was due to some work on the underside of the torso. I need to connect the torso to the legs and then model out a weapon, and possibly apply a normal map to stay on schedule by the end of the week.


Base Chibi Character Mesh

A bash Chibi character mesh that I created not too long ago, this model was made using Silo 3D and a symmetry modifier was added in 3DS Max as well as mesh Optimization. The model comes in just under 1000 Polygons. And is being used in the game my College Game Production Team is creating called "Triked Out Trikes."


Tutorials update

In light of one of my Twitter followers, I found out that in order to get to the tutorial I created it is a bit of a hassle. It had also taken quite a bit of time to construct it. I will begin to make videos for the tutorials I create and post them to my youtube account for anyone to view. This will take a lot less time, and make it easier for anyone to follow the step by step process. I will begin working on this sometime in the near future.


Every now and then I like to sculpt! Made this one a little while ago using Mudbox, 3DS Max, and Silo 3D. I created the base mesh in Silo, then imported it into 3DS Max to refine it a tad bit. Then followed up with sculpting on it using Mudbox. The palm of the hand was actually based off of my hand! Took care and precision to sculpt it as such. Not bad for an environment artist eh?

Mech W.I.P Phase 3

Been working on my mech for a few hours today. I got the upper part of the arms done. Optimizing where I can. I will eventually make a high poly version of the model for normal mapping. Currently at 2216 Polygons. Thinking of what type of weapon to make for it. Gatling gun keeps coming to my head so lets see what I can come up with!

Cathedral Mesh Optimization

Been working on this one for a few more hours today. I've gotten the mesh optimized, and the Uvw Map came out rather well! Here it is. Texturing and Normal Mapping will be coming soon. This project is for the Tales of Allula Development Team. Be sure to keep watch on their website!




Been a while since I've created a couch, I figured why not? Practice is always good! Created this one in about 20 minutes. And 4 assets where used to create this image.

First Tutorial on Site

Since my traffic on my blog has increased tenfold in the past few days, I feel that I should welcome my travelers with a tutorial on how to create an island scene using 3ds Max! View it here! -



Cathedral W.I.P

I have been working on a project now for a few weeks with a very well ran development team. I am the Environmental Modeler for the group, and as such they had given me my first project! I began constructing a cathedral with about 8 different reference pictures to obtain a model that they would find appealing. This is still a W.I.P, but we all feel that it is turning out nicely! here are some images here. And be sure to watch the site develop as this team is very promising!


Mech W.I.P Phase 2

This is my Mech W.I.P phase 2. I have begun constructing the upper shell. I am about 1.4k polys in so far and about 3 to 4 hours in. I am beginning to notice that the mech actually appears to be a little akward after constructing the upper shell. Above the "knees" looks to skinny to support this mech, or if it was implemented in a video game, I feel that it would be a major weakpoint of the beast. I will revise it a little on later tonight and see what I can come up with


1990's Spider-Man Venom

 One day, I felt the urge to create Venom while watching the Spider-Man from the 1990's. When creating this model, I watched the show a lot and gathered a TON of reference images. I was focusing on muscle detail with this model in order to capture him how he appears on the show. The tongue and teeth where separate from the character mesh. The amount of time to finish this model was about hours. Here is my youtube link for it as well - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGPanruvMRU

First time using Mental Ray

This image shows my first time learning Mental Rays. I  created this scene using a few reference Images of a personal gym area corner. I looked at a few boxing gloves, and created the floor texture using Gimp. It took a few days to complete this scene on and off. I set up the Mental Rays in a way that the render was quick, yet still realistic, it took about 30 seconds for it to render when all was said and done.

Mech W.I.P

Here's my First model going on the site! As of late, I have been feeling the need to create a Mech Style Character (though I am an Environmental Artist, I hear that they create mechs.) I have been working on this project now for about 2 hours total so far and this is what I have constructed. The current model is at 1k polys. I plan on texturing, specular mapping, glow mapping, and normal mapping this model in the near future as well.


Hello all! Welcome to my blog site. My name is Michael Cummings, I am a 3D environment artist. I am often told I am very skilled in my craft. I will be placing W.I.P's here, finished models, textures, scenes, and tutorials on this site.