This project I have been working on as of late has involved me incorporating Mudbox, Photoshop, Unity, and world Machine into my workflow. I first created a base terrain in 3ds Max and unwrapped it then imported it into Mudbox. From their, I created my basic shapes of the terrain and added slight detail going no higher than 4.5 million Polys.

Once I was finished sculpting the terrain in Mudbox, I went on to extract a displacement map from mudbox and then bring it into World Machine to add detail and a BMP map to my terrain. playing around with the panels and downloading a macro off the world machine site gave me this

I baked out an ambient occlusion map, a light map, a diffuse map, and detail maps for the diffuse to incorporate later in mudbox/photoshop. Then I brought a height map in from world machine into Mudbox to continue sculpting, adding detail, and baking more maps. I also created my diffuse maps in Mudbox and messed around with the channels and layers to get a nice stylized texture going for the terrain.

Then I imported the heightmap I created in Mudbox back into WM and exported it out as a raw file to import into Unity. The texture I made for the terrain was exported from Mudbox to Unity.

The skybox created in the background was also custom made by me as well. I created that in mudbox by using a 1024x4096 map and painted a stylized cloud texture on the canvas and used a gradient on the background to make it appear as if the sky got brighter the higher it went up.